5 Best Tech Stacks You Need to Consider for 2022

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When you plan to develop software for your business, you must identify all of your requirements. Budget, time, and effort are the main elements a person considers while making this decision. In this article, we have gathered information about the best tech stacks available to consider for your startup. 

What is a Tech Stack?

A tech stack means a set of different tools and programming languages that work together to construct digital products such as mobile apps, web apps, and websites. Also known as a solution stack, it is an ecosystem of data, programs, and tools combined to create and run a particular software or product. 

Tech Stack Components

A tech stack entails two equally significant components: the frontend (client-facing) and backend (server-side) tech stack. Both of these components work in collaboration to create a functioning tech stack. The developer's role depends upon the nature of the stacks for product development. 

Frontend Tech Stack

The client-facing or frontend tech stack component refers to everything that an end user can see on their screens. The main goal of the frontend tech stack is to give the user a smooth experience without any hiccups (i.e., the font, the text, the buttons, and all of the things appearing on the screen must look great and work properly). 

The frontend stack consists of two main elements: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). 

  1. HTML is a markup language required for creating the structure of web pages.
  2. CSS is responsible for the style and layout of the web pages. In addition, JavaScript is another programming language that is used to make web pages interactive.

Both HTML and CSS are required to make up a good frontend tech stack.

Backend Tech Stack

The backend tech stack refers to the server-side of the application development. It includes the internal structure of the software that you cannot see and is responsible for the functioning of the software.

For example, when watching television, you only see the screen, but there are so many elements working behind the screen (software and hardware) so that you can watch anything on your television.”

The backend stack includes different programming languages: 

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Java
  • C#
  • C
  • C++
  • Go

It also requires a proper framework to support programming languages with backend servers and a database to store the data. 

These programming languages, databases, servers are stacked on top of each other, hence the name tech stacks. 

Best Tech Stacks

5 Best Tech Stacks for 2022

Here are the five best tech stacks for 2022: 

1. The LAMP Stack

The LAMP stack includes technologies such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. The LAMP tech stack has been a classic and reliable stack for more than ten years and is one of the best ways to deliver web applications. 

The LAMP stack was also one of the first open-source software stacks used worldwide. As a result, it is trendy due to its simplicity and stability for developing new applications. 

Another benefit of the LAMP stack is that it easily handles dynamic pages where new content is added on the fly. 

Platforms such as WordPress and Shopify also use the LAMP stack. This stack can only run on Linux, so you can easily modify components within the stack. 

Liquid Web offers complete LAMP stack management services with all Linux servers.

2. The MEAN Stack

The MEAN stack includes technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js. It is another widely used stack alongside the LAMP stack.

For a MEAN stack, you only need an end-to-end JavaScript language. Hence, there is always a chance to reuse the code in the application. The technologies used in the MEAN stack are also free and open-source, with a supportive community where you can ask for help. 

MEAN stack applications are a perfect candidate for cloud hosting, as they are reliable and flexible. This stack can be arranged relatively quickly due to its server configuration. It is used for several things such as location-finding applications, calendars, expense tracking applications, maps, and news aggregation sites. 

3. The MERN Stack

The MERN stack is pretty similar to MEAN, except React is used instead of AngularJS. The MERN stack includes technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. 

React uses a Virtual DOM to implement changes quickly. JSX, a modification of JavaScript, allows unified components to work.

The MERN stack is used for workflow management, news aggregation applications, and social platforms and products. 

Several prominent organizations such as Netflix and Uber use a MERN Stack. 

4. The MEVN Stack

MEVN stack is another modification of MEAN with Vue.js replacing AngularJS as a frontend framework. It includes technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, Vue.js, and Node.js. 

Vue.js is easy to learn and offers excellent performance for web applications. As a result, it has gained fame over the last few years. However, to extend the functionality of the MEVN stack, you need to use third-party services like Fortune Soft. While not as large as React or Angular, the communities have grown substantially over the years.

The MEVN stack makes applications with MVC (Model-View-Controller) capability and improved server-side interactivity. 

Facebook and Adobe use a MEVN stack with Vue.js for their platforms.

5. The Serverless Stack 

The serverless stack has become quite popular as it has ditched the conventional style of stacks. The serverless computing technology allows users to write and execute code on physical servers without worrying about the infrastructure.

You can get all of the data managed within a cloud platform through a serverless stack. Its main advantage is its high level of scalability. It is also responsible for all of the security updates to the server. Finally, it is cost-effective as the developers are only charged for the space they use on the server. 

Google Cloud and AWS Lambda are serverless platform providers. 

How Do You Choose the Best Tech Stack?

Now that you have learned the best tech stacks and what are their advantages and disadvantages, use the following questions to determine which stack is best for you:

  • What are your business requirements? 
  • What type of hardware are you looking for? 
  • What type of backend tools do you need to have? 

After answering these questions, you should also test your web application software and see where improvements are needed. Finally, you must find a stack that will provide the right atmosphere for the software you intend to create, one that allows scalability and is easy to manage according to your needs. 

From fully managed LAMP stack services to any combination of core or self-managed stacks, Liquid Web is an ideal partner for your hosting needs. Contact us to find the right hosting solution for your business.
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About the Author

Chika Ibeneme

Chika Ibeneme is a Community Support Agent at The Events Calendar. He received his BA in Computer Science in 2017 from Northern Caribbean University and has over 5 years of technical experience assisting customers and clients. You can find him working on various WordPress and Shopify projects.

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