Women in Technology: Nikki Remington

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Liquid Web’s Marketing & Web Operations Manager on traveling her own path, her greatest influences, and keeping energy flowing.

Nikki Remington - Women in Technology
“Don’t let others create your story for you,” says Remington. “You have to be willing to make your life your own.”

Give her a travel guide and self-help book and Nikki Remington is happy. “Two of my favorite books are The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck,” she says.

These seem a good balance for the avid traveler— one is about streamlining your physical space, while the other is about getting rid of mental clutter that doesn’t serve you.

The two combined seem to evoke Remington’s attitude towards life: get it done, and do it on your own terms. “Don’t let others create your story for you. You have to be willing to make your life your own,” says Remington. “You never know when life will take twists and turns. But if you are genuinely working on yourself all the time, the hard times seem more like challenges and less like roadblocks.”

Remington’s life has its share of literal twists and turns, as well. She is rarely home on the weekends, known for just going— hopping in her car to drive, listening to music, and stopping to take photographs and explore beaches. She is from Okemos, a town outside of Lansing, Michigan. Though she loves to travel, Michigan is her home. She’s especially excited by the tech opportunities growing in the state on a daily basis.

Remington first joined the world of tech in 2008 as an Advertising Specialist for a software company’s marketing team, where she quickly discovered her passion for marketing and analytics. “I was one of those people that would go home and keep working not because I had to, but because I genuinely loved it,” she says. “I just wanted to keep learning and testing new ideas.” This work ethic was an early illustration of Remington’s desire to constantly explore and learn.

Remington has spent her career finding her passions, developing them, and sharing them. In 2013, she was featured on the Google Analytics homepage and was given the opportunity to share her passion for Marketing Analytics and advertising. “Over the years, I have partnered with Google to create case studies and learn from some of the best in the industry,” she says. “Granted over the two years it was on their homepage, we all got a little tired of seeing my face when you logged in, but it was fun!”

Early in her career, Remington worked for an online real estate marketing company. One day, the CEO called her in to offer her a promotion in management. His explanation as to why he chose her for the role has always stuck with her. “He said there are two types of people— battery chargers and battery drainers. Leaders need to be battery chargers. They keep energy flowing and help their teams see the positive in their work. From that day on, I have really tried to focus on bringing energy as much as possible.”

Remington now brings that energy to Liquid Web where she serves as the Marketing & Web Operations Manager, a role she has held for over three years. “I love tech because it’s always changing! The space is constantly growing and evolving, so you can’t get complacent. It keeps you on your toes,” she says.

The important personal and professional influences in her life have been plentiful, but none so important as her 14-year-old daughter. “We are a little duo,” she says. “My daughter has unknowingly pushed me to be a better person— a better mom, coworker, manager, and marketer. I try to set a great example for her and show her what it means to work hard, play hard, and stay balanced.”

Remington encourages those just starting out in technology to take risks. “You don’t want to look back someday and realize you played it too safe,” she says. Her other rules of thumb are to believe in yourself and listen to others, believe in the integrity of what you have to say and also listen with an open mind to those around you.

True to her traveling spirit, Remington believes that encouraging young thinkers and doers to enter the tech field is about showing people what’s out there, the true breadth of the field. It’s about discovery and exploration. “I have a 14-year-old and I try to give her exposure as much as possible to different roles, different tools, and technology as a whole,” she says. “Being in the tech space doesn’t mean you just ‘work with computers’ and sit at a desk all day. There are so many options available and different roads to travel in this space. So explore!”

Tagged with: Women in Technology
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About the Author

Mayra Pena

Mayra Pena, is the former Communications Manager at Liquid Web and has over 10 years of experience in technology. Her passion is being a Helpful Human by creating and sharing valuable content for the Liquid Web community.

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