Category: Common Fixes

The Common Fixes category outlines the knowledgebase articles and tutorials associated with information that can be located and utilized quickly to solve small, everyday problems a client may encounter,

Using W3 Total Cache on Cloud Sites

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Cloud Sites has a unique infrastructure setup that requires specific settings for the page cache to provide the best experience for a given site. Please use these settings when you are configuring W3 Total Cache instead of any other settings. These directions will provide an optimized configuration for W3 Total Cache on the Cloud Sites platform. This article assumes you have already installed the W3 Total Cache plugin.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

WP-CLI is a command line tool for interacting with and managing WordPress sites. In our previous article on How to Install WP-CLI we covered the process of installing WP-CLI onto a server. We did this in a way that the tool would be accessible by any user on the server. This prevents the need for your users to install the tool locally.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article you will learn how to backup your WordPress database using the wp-cli tool. Knowing how to backup your database is a critical skill to have when running a WordPress site. All your posts, pages, and more live in your database; keeping backups is critical.

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Troubleshooting email in WHM

Posted on by David Singer
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this article we will go over the process used to investigate Email delivery issues on a WHM server. This can be helpful when a user is having issues receiving or sending Emails. The Mail Troubleshooter tool provided in WHM works by tracing the route an Email would take when sent to the provided Email address.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Changing the settings and limits of a cPanel account from WHM is a simple process and only takes a few moments. This process is useful for when a user wants more disk space, Email Addresses, or similar items.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Changing the password of a cPanel account from WHM is a simple process and only takes a few moments. When a user forgets their cPanel password they will be unable to access their account. This article will cover the reset process for only the main cPanel passwords. Any other cPanel related credentials (eMail, FTP, etc) will still have the same passwords and access.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

With the release of EasyApache 4 in WHM 58 there are various changes to how PHP is managed. The most obvious being that EasyApache 4 brings support for installing multiple PHP versions alongside each other. However with multiple versions of PHP being installed on the server it’s easy to lose track of your command-line based PHP utilities and their PHP requirements.

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How to Replace PHP GeoIP with MaxMindDB

Posted on by David Singer | Updated:
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Depending on the site or application, looking up geographic information related to an IP address can be a pretty common action. When doing IP geolocation in PHP usually the PHP GeoIP extension would be used to facilitate the retrieval of this information. Unfortunately, this particular plugin is no longer actively supported and has not been updated in a number of years.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

MySQL’s, and MariaDB’s, strict mode controls how invalid or missing values in data changing queries are handled; this includes INSERT, UPDATE, and CREATE TABLE statements. With MySQL strict mode enabled, which is the default state, invalid or missing data may cause warnings or errors when attempting to process the query.

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