Tag: API

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What is Graylog Sidecar?

Graylog Sidecar is a nimble configuration management framework for various log collectors called backends. The Graylog master node acts as a centrally located hub that contains the configurations of the log collectors. Sidecar can run as a service on both Windows and Linux servers.

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Reading Time: 7 minutes

Keras is a Python-based high-level neural networks API that is capable of running on top TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano frameworks used for machine learning. It can be said that Keras acts as the Python Deep Learning Library. Keras was created with emphasis on being user-friendly since the main principle behind it is “designed for human beings, not machines.” The core data structure of Keras is a model, or a way to organize layers.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is PhantomJS?

In this article, we will be discussing PhantomJS. PhantomJS is, in the simplest of terms, is a headless browser (headless, meaning without a GUI) that utilizes a javascript API. This function makes the browser very useful when used for:

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

What is a Service Mesh?

A service mesh is a layer of communication and control between applications or microservices and the network stack they typically communicate over. This layer controls communication and helps microservices share data. This service-to-service interaction is governed by logic built into the service mesh layer. Simply put, microservices are small or partial applications, or individual functions, and the network stack is the physical networking layer.

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Creating an API User in Manage

Posted on by Dan Pock | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Liquid Web’s Account Management System has a robust API that allows for accessing your account from outside the Manage interface. For example, the API can be used to integrate WHMCS directly to your Liquid Web account. To access the API, an API user must first be created for that account.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you have ever set up a Cloud VPS server in the past, you have probably seen how much easier it is to get a new server up and running than a traditional server. Once the server itself is up, of course, there is still plenty of work to do, getting other pieces configured: installing an application, setting up specific database configurations, and so forth. Tools such as Puppet and Chef help you to automate this process… but you still have to log in to your manage account and order new servers to begin with.

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