Tag: CentOS 6

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Pre-Flight Check
  • These instructions are intended specifically for removing a user on CentOS 6.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 6 server, and I’ll be logged in as root.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

One of the best tools for quickly finding files by filename is the locate command. The locate command reads one or more databases prepared by updatedb and writes file names matching at least one of the patterns to standard output, one per line.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The following command works with all CentOS versions. If you’d like to check your kernel version then visit our tutorial on How To Check the Kernel Version in Linux / Ubuntu / CentOS

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Updating glibc on Red Hat Linux or CentOS Linux is a very simple process. Most commonly you will use the following command in the case of a security vulnerability, or perhaps just to verify that you’re running the most up-to-date library:

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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Pre-Flight Check
  • These instructions are intended specifically for checking the installed version of glibc.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 server, and I’ll be logged in as root.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It is easy to install, offers many speed and performance improvements, and is easy to integrate into most MySQL deployments. Answers for compatibility questions can be found at MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility. MariaDB offers more storage engines than MySQL, including Cassandra (NoSQL), XtraDB (drop-in replacement for InnoDB), and OQGRAPH.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It is easy to install, offers many speed and performance improvements, and is easy to integrate into most MySQL deployments. Answers for compatibility questions can be found at: MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility. MariaDB offers more storage engines than MySQL, including Cassandra (NoSQL), XtraDB (drop-in replacement for InnoDB), and OQGRAPH.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It is easy to install, offers many speed and performance improvements, and is easy to integrate into most MySQL deployments. Answers for compatibility questions can be found at: MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility. MariaDB offers more storage engines than MySQL, including Cassandra (NoSQL), XtraDB (drop-in replacement for InnoDB), and OQGRAPH.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. It is easy to install, offers many speed and performance improvements, easy to integrate into most MySQL deployments. Answers for compatibility questions can be found at: MariaDB versus MySQL – Compatibility. MariaDB offers more storage than MySQL, including Cassandra (NoSQL), XtraDB (drop-in replacement for InnoDB), and OQGRAPH.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Pre-Flight Check
  • These instructions are intended specifically for solving the error: Failed to connect to ‘’: Connection refused.
  • I’ll be working from both Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 servers, and I’ll be logged in as root.

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