Tag: Error Pages

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When using PhpMyAdmin, it’s essential to have the correct user permissions to create edits/writes to the database.  Otherwise, insufficient permissions can lead to  errors like the ones pictured below “#1044 – Access denied for user …[using password: YES]” and “#1045 – Access denied for user…[using password: YES]”.  In our tutorial, we’ll show you how to correct this issue using the command line terminal.  Let’s get started!

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Reading Time: 3 minutes
  1. This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--01
  2. Now let’s learn how to create custom error pages.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--02
  3. Click the “Error Pages” icon.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--03
  4. There are several different error pages you can customize. Let’s customize the “404 error page”.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--04
  5. This is where you create your custom error page… and you can include one or more tags to further customize the page.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--05
  6. When finished, click “Save”.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--06
  7. That’s it! The custom 404 error page has been created.cpanel-paperlantern-27-error--07
  8. You can customize the other error pages as well … but you don’t have to … all accounts come preset with standard error pages.


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