Tag: PHP

Our PHP section covers the many uses and installation of PHP across different OS'. Whether you're troubleshooting a PHP issue or installing a PHP driver, our articles are sure to help!

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Pre-Flight Check
  • These instructions are intended specifically for installing XCache, an open-source opcode cacher.
  • I’ll be working from a Liquid Web Core Managed CentOS 7 server, and I’ll be logged in as non-root user. If you need more information then visit our tutorial on How to Add a User and Grant Root Privileges on CentOS 7.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Please note that this article is considered legacy documentation because Fedora 21 has reached its end-of-life support.

Memcached is a distributed, high-performance, in-memory caching system that is primarily used to speed up sites that make heavy use of databases. It can, however, be used to store objects of any kind. Nearly every popular CMS has a plugin or module to take advantage of Memcached, and many programming languages have a Memcached library, including PHP, Perl, Ruby, and Python. Memcached runs in memory and is thus quite speedy since it does not need to write data to disk.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Please note that this article is considered legacy documentation because Fedora 20 has reached its end-of-life support.

Memcached is a distributed, high-performance, in-memory caching system that is primarily used to speed up sites that make heavy use of databases. It can, however, be used to store objects of any kind. Nearly every popular CMS has a plugin or module to take advantage of Memcached, and many programming languages have a Memcached library, including PHP, Perl, Ruby, and Python. Memcached runs in memory and is thus quite speedy since it does not need to write data to disk.

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Memcached is a distributed, high-performance, in-memory caching system that is primarily used to speed up sites that make heavy use of databases. It can, however, be used to store objects of any kind. Nearly every popular CMS has a plugin or module to take advantage of Memcached, and many programming languages have a Memcached library, including PHP, Perl, Ruby, and Python. Memcached runs in memory and is thus quite speedy since it does not need to write data to disk.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Liquid Web offers a free Virtual Private Network (VPN) user with every account. A VPN uses encryption to secure your computer’s connection to the Internet and guarantees that all of the data you’re sending and receiving to the Liquid Web network is secured from any potential prying third parties.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Say your PHP application is unable to load a needed PHP module. The first thing to check is to see if the PHP module is available to the application. The best way to do that is with what is called a “phpinfo” file.

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The End of PHP 4

Posted on by Patrick Hawkins | Updated:
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Please note that this article is considered legacy documentation because PHP 4 has reached its end-of-life support.

Back in 2008, all development stopped on PHP 4. Since that time, no features have been added, no bugs have been fixed, and no security holes have been patched up.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

PHP is an important part of your cPanel server. One aspect of PHP’s configuration that can be overlooked is the PHP handler. The PHP handler is the specific implementation of PHP on your server that interfaces with Apache. On a cPanel server, there are four main PHP Handlers:

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